
Enough is Enough

As I sit and ponder how we, as humans, have survived the multitude of tragedies that have plagued us worldwide, I think we deserve a HUGE hug, pat on the back, and kiss on both cheeks!! There is something to be said about our ability to thrive despite challenges. We have survived a global pandemic wherein we have lost loved ones, homes, cars, jobs, and - for many of us - our minds.  Although it has been 2 years since the onset, there are still remnants of the pain, isolation, disconnect, and need to rebuild.  Where do we begin? And even if we have begun, where do we go now? Has everyone come out alright? Mentally? Emotionally? Physically? Do we have a source to reach out to for sharing thoughts, and feelings, and gaining advice?  I have found myself in the dark, under the bed, and downright depressed due to the level of stress I’ve had to endure. Sick parents. Adult children and grandchildren that need support. Changing jobs with lesser pay to begin again. It’s enough to break down the

Don’t Risk It!

To get to the bottom of something, sometimes you have to remind yourself that if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.  And the biggest risk you can take is to risk nothing.  And if you risk nothing, what you’re really doing is risking not getting to the bottom of something.  And if you don’t get to the bottom of something, you risk everything.  Excerpt from “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window”

September Skies

 What a beautiful day?!? Full of sun and pretty blue clouds. Peaceful. Loving. Grateful. Thankful.  Having the use of limbs to move, lips to speak (and kiss), eyes to see, ears to hear, and hands to feel make this an exceptional existence.  Spiritual beings experiencing this human experience can tap into the most minute details and recognize the blessings in it.  And you know what? It makes me excited about tomorrow. There are great things on the horizon.  This comes on the cusp of some very dramatic happenings over the weekend. With every moment that passes, I am reminded that we are protected. Blessed.  Peaceful. Loving. Grateful. Thankful. ☀️🌙✨

Eyes Wide Open!

 Today, my eyes are wide open. I am focused, driven and determined. It feels like I have the ability to point to what I want and it will be honored.  People will count you out. They will wish for your downfall. Smile in your face and peek around the corner to watch you unravel - or, at least, that’s their hope.  It has been my experience that people have great things to say in front of you but when you find a way to elevate yourself and your life, things change.  Let’s decide to rise above it. Learn to silence the negative thoughts and emotions. Let’s keep our heads held high and live life to its fullest - on purpose!  I will walk with you every step of the way!  With Mad Love and Respect ❣️

I’m Tired

 Let me start by asking for forgiveness from God Almighty.  God, I really don’t mean any harm. I’m generally a kind, loving, peaceful and respectful woman. Please forgive me for being so selfish.  I am So Incredibly TIRED!!  It is beyond me why:  1. I couldn’t have anyone look after me in a way that guided and taught  2. I couldn’t find a life partner to do this (do everything) with 3. I have to spend my ENTIRE LIFE taking care of people My children are grown and on their own. Poor babies had to endure a single mother who came from an incredibly abusive marriage at the hands of their father and a scarred childhood from abandonment - which inevitably turned into abandonment issues in early adulthood.   Everything I’ve learned relating to life - how you live - has been taught and learned the Extremely Hard Way.  Most people I come across tend to agree that I’m a nice person. But no one is ever willing to stay. No one wants to commit...not to me. BUT Every Single Person who cr

It's Real!!

I can recall a time when I would reflect on each and every thing going on in my life: work, family, my love life - or lack thereof, my career path - and more importantly, my path to entrepreneurship. My thoughts were exciting! Life-changing! I was eager and excited to tackle each day with poise and positivity.  I was Ready! Bring IT! In my younger years, I've prided myself on the ability to juggle each and every moving part....with a smile on my face! However, life is ever-changing. Lately, it has all become a huge struggle. I, now, see for myself how depression looks.  I, now, realize how real depression truly is. I live with it each and every day - all day long! I'm not sure what will make me feel better. I'm not sure what the next day will hold. I DO know that it's here and it's real! Mornings are long and bright. I cry and just want to stay under the covers and keep the blinds drawn. Afternoons are long and sad.  I cry at the drop of a dime. If I think

Close your eyes and visualize!

Every desired change, Beloved, must happen in thought first. This, of course, is the “hook” to living in time and space. Anyone can think happy thoughts when they're happy, wealthy thoughts when they're wealthy, healthy thoughts when they're healthy. It takes someone highly unusual to imagine things differently than how they now see them; not that it’s hard to do, but it can seem so pointless and ineffective that most won’t ever bother. You crafted the stage you’re now on so that you’d be pushed on to discovering your power, with dreams worth pursuing and the passion to care. Ultimately learning that success comes fastest when you see through life’s illusions, to that which gives them rise: your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. Beloved, this is what you most need to know. There haven't been any accidents, you haven't made any mistakes, and the perfection of everything now happening in the world and in your life, will one day boggle your mind.  C